Creative analysis, Marketing and PR

Mmm, stat-tastic: three things you can do with Twitter analytics


This week, Twitter made its Twitter analytics platform available to all Twitter accounts. Previously it had only been available to business users (as in those paying for ads) and verified accounts. I’ve already seen people moan about how it’s going to mean a lot to people self-obsessed with themselves on Twitter being more self-obsessed. I think the arrival of analytics for all on the platform is great news for small publishers, small games developers, bloggers, small comics creators and so on who previously wouldn’t have paid for access to ads anyway, because: what budget?

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Comics, Creative analysis, Marketing and PR, Videogames

How to send out a press release for your indie comic (or indie anything)

how not be gross in press releases v1Okay, this piece may end-up sounding sarcastic or a tad disgusting in places, but I need you to learn from this, because I don’t want to feel like throwing-up after checking my inbox – ever again. Continue reading
